= "Eddie Stone Perfectly Flawed TheGayGuideNetwork.com"METAMORPHOSIS :: I am vain. I am superficial. I grew up trading on my looks. I entered into a career that was purely based on the exterior. I’m a master of keeping up appearances. I wear many masks. I play many roles.

That is all changing (due to circumstances beyond my control).

I’m tired of the facade. I can’t keep up the artifice anymore. I’m dropping the walls. I’m not going to care what others think. Because in the end, no one is thinking about me as much as I’m thinking about me. And guess what,  no one is judging me like I judge myself. 

No one is holding me to the unattainable standards I hold myself.

I’m not perfect.

I never was.

I’ll never be.

But I’m perfect the way I am.

I am perfectly flawed.

– Our Eddie Stone’s been laying low, but he isn’t going anywhere. Follow him on Twitter to catch more of his journey, when he’s ready to share.