Tag: empowerment

CULTURE :: Through the Eyes of Tom Ford

Tom Ford, billionaire designer, father, husband, and Texan.

POP CULTURE :: Binge-Watch Proficiently

POP CULTURE :: I am a professional binger. What makes me a professional? It’s simple. I set aside time to watch a cycle of...

SPIRITUALITY :: Karma Is Not A Bitch

SPIRITUALITY :: When somebody intentionally acts in a negative way to hurt someone - through cheating, stealing, lying, slandering...you name it - the hurt person typically re-acts...

EMPOWERMENT :: Winners Quit

  BEING A GOOD QUITTER :: In my last year of university, I was taking one course that made me miserable.  Not enjoying the material, and not...

RELATIONSHIPS :: My Would-Be Gentleman

RELATIONSHIPS :: My Would-Be Gentleman - It was a brisk, wet evening and I had already walked three city blocks in the rain. This was...


EMPOWERMENT ::  A colleague of mine has a sign on her door that reads “A is for Rebel”. We work in different offices but...