Tag: mindset

COMMENTARY :: Tolerance Or Acceptance?

TOLERANCE OR ACCEPTANCE ? How high is the bar we LGBT people set when it comes to our expectation of those who are not...

RELATIONSHIPS :: Why Do Gay Men Cheat?

WHY DO GAY MEN CHEAT? This is a question that is taking up a lot of real estate in my mind. My name is Kabir,...

APPRECIATION :: Your Efforts Matter

  VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION :: Feel burnt-out from all the time and effort and money you give towards your favourite cause? Thinking of volunteering or donating...

EMPOWERMENT :: 5 Things I Learned Pursuing My Dreams

I have learned a lot by pursuing my dreams. While many people don't pursue their dreams, all of us dream and have desires for our lives. Dreams should be...


PLAYLIST :: We're always on the lookout for the next big thing. Or in this case big things as GGN, your gay guide to good life,...

EMPOWERMENT :: How To Avoid Drama

HEALTHY FRIENDSHIPS :: One thing I've gotten really good at - as a recovering drama queen - is avoiding drama. The first thing I did...