= "Madonna TheGayGuideNetwork.com"LIKE A BIRTHDAY ::
I can’t believe it’s already been a year since the last Madonnamas. My, how things have changed: I’ve seen Madonna up-close-and-personal twice – remember this? What about this?  She’s put out a film, a new album and tour, released a perfume (that I wear everyday, won a Golden Globe, put on the most televised event ever, and she’s sparked controversy every step along the way.

Madonna’s age is simply a number: she looks better today than she ever has and she has no plans on stopping. August 16th is a day to reflect upon the work of a genius who has inspired me and everything I’ve done since the day I was born. I would not be the person I am today without Madonna’s messages of empowerment, self-esteem and guidance.

Thank you, Madonna, for everything you’ve done for me. I know I will tell you this in person one day soon, but I know you will truly never understand how much you have meant to me my life.

Happy Birthday.