Happy #SummerOf Yes 2019 to you! To celebrate, here’s another of our summer series of pop-up contests running from now through September, designed to help make summer 2019 a fat #SummerOfYes for GGN Subscribers.
To enter to win you must:
1) Like our #SummerOfYes Facebook page (will be cross-referenced)
2) Subscribe to the GGNewsletter (will be cross-referenced) Any entries received from non-newsletter Subscribers automatically grant Shaun Proulx Media, Inc. permission to add the email address from which the entry originated to our database. This can be removed at any time after the contest ends by the sendee.
3) Email [email protected] with KARDASHIAN in the subject line, and include your full name, legal age, mailing address and daytime contact telephone number, followed by your answers to our sixteen multiple choice questions. You need not write the full answers out, just the corresponding letter, ie:
1- a
2 -a
3 -a
Good luck!
1. Kim and Kayne recently had a new child, whom they named:
a – Psalm
b – Leviticus
c – Bible
2. Kris Jenner’s toilet paper in all her bathrooms is:
a – white
b – black
c – monogrammed with the letter K
3. Lamar Odem recently told the ladies on The View that when Khloe divorced him, he lost:
a – his “angel”
b – his “soulmate”
c – his “mind”
4. Kourtney’s first job was as a:
a – Mom
b – Production Assistant
c -Scott Disick’s stylist
5. Kylie is famously said to be worth
a – A billion dollars
b – Her weight in gold
c – Less than Kylie Minogue
6. Kendall’s middle name is in honour of a very special friend of Kris’:
a – OJ
b – Nicole
c – Kato
7. Which Kardashian sister is the only one to graduate from university?
a – Kim
b – Kourtney
c – Khloe
8) When she was a teenager, Khloe experienced bad crash that wiped out much of her memory. What kind of crash was it:
a – Ecstasy
b – Plane
c – Car
9) Kris does not like being called “Grandma”. She insists her grandchildren call her:
a – Nanoo
b – Lovey
c – Dashie
10) Rob Kardashian dipped his toes into fashion / design in what way?
a – Sexy undies for the plus size guy
b – Colourful socks
c – A line of black china
11) Name the two Kardashians with matching tattoos
a – Khloe and Kris
b – Kendall and Kylie
c – Kim and Kourtney
12) When North was born, Kim did what do see which of her friends she could trust?
a – Sent them fake pics of North to see if they would sell them to the tabloids
b – Sent them the names South, East, and West to see who would sell the info
c – Told them in confidence that Jay-Z was the father to see if anyone would sell the info
13) What is Scott Disick’s nickname?
a – Dissin’ Disick
b – Lord Disick
c – Scott To Trot
14) After the 2019 Met Gala, Kim was criticized for:
a – Throwing shade at Lady Gaga
b – Wearing a corset
c – Not following the night’s theme
15) When Bruce Jenner transitioned to Caitlyn, her story first made the cover of
a – Vanity Fair
b – The Olympics Journal
c – Transformation Magazine
16) This year marks what season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians?
a – 7th
b – 10th
c – 16th
Here’s a bunch of legal stuff we have to post. (Allegedly;)
Contest Rules and Regulations
These rules and regulations shall apply to the “Contest” unless stipulated otherwise, and where alternate rules and regulations are made available to the public. If there are any discrepancies between these rules and regulations and any other rules and regulations posted for any particular Contest (the “Alternate Rules”), such discrepancy shall be resolved in favour of the Alternate Rules.
The Contest is open to legal residents of Canada who have reached the age of majority in the province in which they reside. No person who is employed by Shaun Proulx Media, Inc., hayu Canada, NBC Universal, or their affiliates, and no persons who are domiciled with any such employee shall be entitled to enter the Contest. One contest entry per person.
Prize Description
One hayu prize pack will be awarded to a total of one winner.
How to Enter
There is no purchase necessary to enter the Contest. Readers must subscribe to the GGN newsletter to be eligible to enter. If you already signed up for our newsletter you may remove yourself from Membership and subscriptions at any time, or you may send a referral contest entry link to a friend to be included in the contest.
Contest ends Monday, June 24, 2019 at 12:00 am, EST.
Upon being declared a potential winner, the winner will be required to answer, unaided, a time-limited mathematical skill testing question. Upon correctly answering that question, the potential winner will be declared the winner.
Odds of Winning
The odds of winning the Contest are dependent on the number of entries received at any given time.
The winner acknowledges that the collection or use of the prize may be inherently dangerous and agrees to release and hold harmless Shaun Proulx Media, Inc., hayu Canada, NBC Universal, for any and all damages they may incur through entering the Contest or through the collection or use of the prize, including personal injury or death. The winner also agrees to sign a standard release and waiver of liability prior to claiming the prize.
Prize winners shall be responsible for all costs and expenses not explicitly stated to form part of the prize, including but not limited to taxes, fees, gratuities, insurance, or travel.
Where the Prize includes travel, the Prize winner must ensure that he and his companion have all the necessary travel documents required to travel to the destination on the dates specified in the prize description.
Prior to receiving the Prize, the Prize winner shall sign a standard release and liability waiver absolving Shaun Proulx Media of all its obligations under the Contest and accepting the Prize as awarded as full and final satisfaction of all items owed to him by Shaun Proulx Media, Inc.
Shaun Proulx Media, Inc. may at its sole discretion substitute a prize or a portion thereof with an alternate prize of equal or greater value. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Shaun Proulx Media, Inc. shall not be responsible to substitute a prize or portion thereof where such Prize cannot be redeemed due to factors beyond its reasonable control.
Shaun Proulx Media, Inc. reserves the right to cancel or modify the Contest in any way it deems appropriate, and for any reason, at any time prior to the declaration of a winner.
Any pronouns used in these rules and regulations shall be modified for gender and number as the case may require, and shall apply as though the correct gender and number had been included herein.
By entering the Contest, all persons are deemed to have read and to have accepted these rules and regulations.