travel planning

Follow Your Travel Dreams :: Travel! We all dream of it! Some people are lucky enough to travel several times a year and fulfill their travel dreams, others not so much. What holds us back? Time? Money? Fear?

Travelling can be an amazing trip of self-understanding, as foreign lands can be truly awesome to see and experience. People who visit places outside their normal orbit cannot help but broaden their horizons, and come back with enhanced self-awareness and confidence because they pushed themselves (a little or a lot) and got past their fears, hang-ups, pre-conceived notions, or whatever other negativity that held them back from stepping outside their comfort zone.

The well-travelled are some of the most open people on earth because they are accepting of other people, other places, and other possibilities.

We noticed something: Less than 50% of Americans have their passport (and we’re being generous – some stats are alarming low) while Canadians hover around 60%. That’s a lot of you who don’t travel even as far as next door! We know you’ve got travel dreams!

GGN Publisher Shaun Proulx had S.Travel editor, Sabrina Pirillo on his weekly SiriusXM chat fest to encourage you to travel more this year, which you can hear below. “In this day and age we’ve got so much strife in the world and so much misunderstanding of each other, with leaders… fanning the flames of hatred. I think the best thing we can all do is get out and travel and see how other people live,” noted Proulx. “And understand that other people have a reality and an existence and way of living that is as clear and valid as the one we do.”

Then, in an interview within an interview Pirillo, a travel dream person if ever there was one, discusses travel dreams with GGN contributor, Marcy Rogers, who recently fulfilled her travel dream: China. Together they talk about other travel dream destinations, experiences, changes; what they brought back home with them, and – of course – what they ate (think: live scorpion!).

Hear the full travel dreams conversation with Pirillo and Rogers:

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