BREAKING – Earlier this afternoon on The Breakdown – with Allison Dore & Arthur Simeon on Sirius XM Canada 167 – GGN Publisher Shaun Proulx shared his disgust with the sentence handed down by Justice McMahon to serial killer, Bruce McArthur who turned Toronto’s LGBTQ+ community into a hunting ground for over 10 years, preying on and murdering at least eight men that we know of.
Proulx wrote an emotional response on his Facebook page,
“Justice McMahon should be ashamed, removed, and this sentence re-given. I do not care one iota how old that man will be when 25 years is over or how slim the chances are of him getting parole. That he could ever hope to APPLY FOR PAROLE is another slap across the face of my LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters, to the memory of the 8 (and many more – do not kid yourself) innocent souls brutally murdered, and to their families. I feel
shat on today and am reeling at this shameful, shocking twist in this sick sad saga. God help us all.”