GGN Contest!
This contest is now closed.
Congratulations to Felipe Antunes Aragao, who won a trip for two to Fièrté Montréal Pride!
Enter to win a trip for two to Fièrté Montréal Pride 2023!
The Fièrté Pride Montréal Prize Package includes: VIA rail economy class transportation Toronto-Montréal-Toronto from Saturday Aug. 12 to Monday Aug. 14 – plus two nights at the gorgeous W Hotel Montréal, plus two VIQ passes.
To Enter: Readers must subscribe to TheGayGuideNetwork.com Newsletter to enter. You may remove yourself from the subscription at any time. To subscribe email us at ideas@shaunproulxmedia.com with the subject line “Subscribe Me!” to be entered to win. Include in your email:
- – Your full name
– Your date of birth - – Your daytime phone number
Existing Subscribers will receive opportunity to enter in forthcoming newsletters – watch your inbox!
Winners will stay at the beautiful W Hotel Montréal (room may not be exactly as pictured.)

Winners will also receive two economy class train tickets aboard Via Rail from Toronto Union Station to Montreal.

Two Fiérte Pride Montreal 2023 VIQ passes.
VIQ passes grant access to the VIQ Area which gives you
- – Dedicated entrance to the main site
- – Exclusive access to the VIQ lounge
- – Access to the TD Front Stage
- – Private toilets (godsend!)
- – Two drinks
- – 20$ on coupons for our food trucks at the Espace Gourmand.
The total value of this awesome Pride package is $5,000!

Image: Alison Slattery
Contest General Rules & Regulations
These rules and regulations shall apply to the “Contest” unless stipulated otherwise, and where alternate rules and regulations are made available to the public. If there are any discrepancies between these rules and regulations and any other rules and regulations posted for any particular Contest (the “Alternate Rules”), such discrepancy shall be resolved in favour of the Alternate Rules.
The Contest is open to legal residents of Canada who have reached the age of majority in the province in which they reside. No person who is employed by Shaun Proulx Media or its affiliates, and no persons who are domiciled with any such employee shall be entitled to enter the Contest. One contest entry per person.
Prize Description:
Winner will receive:
- Two-night stay at W Hotel Montréal August 12-14, 2023;
- Two economy class train tickets aboard Via Rail from Toronto Union Station to Montréal, and;
- Two Fiérte Pride Montréal 2019 VIP passes allowing access to the VIP area and the privileges within.
How to Enter
There is no purchase necessary to enter the Contest.
Readers must subscribe to TheGayGuideNetwork.com Newsletter to enter. If you are already a member then you can update your profile in order to qualify. You may remove yourself from Membership and subscriptions at any time. To subscribe, email [email protected] and include:
- – Your full name
– Your date of birth - – Your daytime phone number
Contest closes 9 AM, Friday, July 21, 2023. The winner will be selected by random draw after that time, and then announced on Thursday, July 27th, 2023.
Upon being declared a potential winner, the winner will be required to answer, unaided, a time-limited mathematical skill testing question. Upon correctly answering that question, the potential winner will be declared the winner.
Odds of Winning
The odds of winning the Contest are dependent on the number of entries received at any given time.
The winner acknowledges that the collection or use of the prize may be inherently dangerous and agrees to release and hold harmless Shaun Proulx Media, TheGayGuideNetwork.com, Fiérte Pride Montreal, VIA Rail, or the W Hotel Montréal for any and all damages they may incur through entering the Contest or through the collection or use of the prize, including personal injury or death. The winner also agrees to sign a standard release and waiver of liability prior to claiming the prize.
Prize winners shall be responsible for all costs and expenses not explicitly stated to form part of the prize, including but not limited to taxes, fees, gratuities, insurance, or travel to and from train station.
Where the Prize includes travel, the Prize winner must ensure that he and his companion have all the necessary travel documents required to travel to the destination on the dates specified in the prize description.
Prior to receiving the Prize, the Prize winner shall sign a standard release and liability waiver absolving Shaun Proulx Media of all its obligations under the Contest and accepting the Prize as awarded as full and final satisfaction of all items owed to him by Shaun Proulx Media.
Shaun Proulx Media, Fiérte Pride Montreal, VIA Rail, or the W Hotel Montréal may at its sole discretion substitute a prize or a portion thereof with an alternate prize of equal or greater value. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Shaun Proulx Media shall not be responsible to substitute a prize or portion thereof where such Prize cannot be redeemed due to factors beyond its reasonable control.
Shaun Proulx Media reserves the right to cancel or modify the Contest in any way it deems appropriate, and for any reason, at any time prior to the declaration of a winner.
Any pronouns used in these rules and regulations shall be modified for gender and number as the case may require, and shall apply as though the correct gender and number had been included herein.
By accepting the prize, the contest winner consents to receive electronic communications from Fiérte Pride Montréal and its partners. The winner may choose to unsubscribe from these communications at any time.
By entering the Contest, all persons are deemed to have read and to have accepted these rules and regulations.
Thanks for the chance to win a trip to Montreal pride! Merci pour la chance a gagner le prix de voyager
a Montreal pour pride!