DIY :: Radio show host and better living expert, Jordan Hipson, has 30 ways to make your home life brighter right now:
- The flavour of tea can be enhanced by placing a thoroughly dried orange peel in the tea tin.
- If you use some form of purified water, coffee will taste and better and the life of your coffee maker will be prolonged.
- To make butter go father and spread easier, leave it at room temperature, use an electric beater and whip to twice its size.
- Blend cottage cheese in a blender until it’s smooth, then use it in dips, instead of sour cream.
- Cottage cheese will store twice as long if you keep the container upside down.
- Make your own sour cream by adding a few drops of lemon juice to 3/4C whipping cream and leave it for 30 mins.
- When you slice a piece of cheese, butter the remaining edge to keep it from going hard.
- If you have a few different small pieces of cheese in your fridge, grate them together to make a cheese ball.
- When boiling milk, first rinse pan with cold water to avoid boil overs.
- To prevent milk from burning, sprinkle one tsp. of sugar over milk before heating. Do not stir.
- When eggs crack during boiling, add a little vinegar to help seal the crack.
- When slicing hard-boiled eggs, wet the knife before each cut to keep the yolk from crumbling.
- For fluffier omelettes, add a pinch of cornstarch before beating.
- Place a dry sponge in the vegetable compartment of the fridge. It will help prevent mildew, and food spoilage.
- Make your own salad dressings – they are one-third the cost of brand name dressings.
- To keep vegetables colorful, add a pinch of baking soda while cooking or boiling.

- Soak new, brightly colored garments in cold, salty water before laundering. The colors will stay brighter.
- Meat tenderizer is a great way to eliminate pet-urine stains.
- A small nick in the rim of a glass can be smoothed out with an emery board.
- To remove fingerprints from photos, spray with hairspray and use a soft cloth to buff.
- To remove scratches in furniture, rub a peanut over the scratch.
- Wax the bottom of chair legs to prevent scratching your floors.
- Use 7-up or ginger ale to get grape, beet or strawberry stains out of the carpet.
- Dab a cotton ball in wintergreen oil and hide somewhere in the room. The room will stay fresh for months!
- Add vinegar occasionally to the water in your humidifier. It will keep the air fresher.
- Put a few drops of vanilla in a small glass and place in the fridge to rid food odours.
- Put one tbsp. of bleach in your water when washing dishes. It kills germs.
- To clean a coffee pot use on denture tablet in cold water overnight.
- Place a marble in your tea kettle to prevent the kettle from scaling.
- Wipe a little glycerine on windows and bathroom mirrors and buff with a soft cloth to keep them from steaming up.
At Home with Jordan Hipson airs Tuesday’s at 9am (AST) on or on 105.9 Seaside FM in Halifax. Connect with Jordan on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and more for great contests and everything to do with beautiful inspired living.