Known as the Nomadic Boys, gay couple Stefan and Sebastien first met in 2009 in London, England and have been together since. After many years of planning and saving, in June 2014 they quit their jobs and left their lives in London behind to see the world together.
Their blog, Nomadic Boys, is a platform to record their romantic adventures, write about the different gay scenes and of course, their culinary discoveries.
Here are 5 things they learned from their travels:

#1 – Grindr is a godsend
Grindr is seen more as a sex tool back home in London so we’ve never needed to use it. But travelling in countries in Asia like India, Malaysia and Sri Lanka where gay laws are still in the Medieval ages, Grindr is used more as an extension of the gay scene in the absence of places to go to meet.
Meeting locals is the best way to discover the local gay scene, the country’s culture and the best foods. We have learnt that whether you are looking for sex or not (we’re not, for the record!), Grindr is one of the most effective ways we have met locals in each new country we’ve visited.

#2 – Your body adapts to spicy food quick!
Thai, Indian and Sri Lankan foods are notorious for being the spiciest. But after a while you adapt to those spicy Indian curries, Sri Lankan devilled prawns or Thai Som Tam spicy papaya salads. After a certain point you actually start to request a bit of spice to add a bit of kick to your food.

#3 – Travel slowly
We travel slowly and ideally stay in certain places for long periods of time. This not only spreads out the budget, making it cheaper, but you learn much more about the location than if you were just passing through. The longer you stay somewhere, the more likely you are to develop a sort of lifestyle, routine, and group of friends.

#4 – Book accommodations in person
We contact hotels directly to get the best deals. When you book via online agents, the hotel has to pay a commission, which is added to the price of the room. Turning up and booking in person directly also gives you the opportunity to negotiate a better deal.

#5 – Keeping fit is possible
Keeping fit is a constant struggle for long-term travellers. but it does not need to be. Local gyms are usually cheap and easy to find, and are a great way to meet locals who are also into fitness.
Working out in a local park in the morning is a great way to see a new place, particularly in countries like China and Vietnam where sports in public parks is popular, fun to watch and even participate in. Also, going for a run when you first arrive is great cardiovascular activity to keep fit, but you get to see your new destination.

Love it guys- thanks for featuring us xx